美国僵尸工坊 渡鸦镰叨 The Corvus

美国僵尸工坊 渡鸦镰叨 The Corvus



Across the wastes the ravens gather. Some call it a conspiracy, others call it an unkindness, and others—a storytelling. Their movements are inspiring. Their minds are the envy of the animal kingdom, even among humans. They navigate the world, solving riddles, playing songs, captivating the hosts and adorning chamber doors. Always keen and ever watchful, they know our faces like the spy cameras of nature.

Born in the realm of the Zombie Tools mythos, fashioned in the spirit of the grace and precision of the nimble kama, and dedicated to the beauty, intelligence, and resourcefulness of the raven, The Corvus has descended. Like our ancient raven companions, this blade will scale to the heights to forage from above, and carve into the depths to extract from below—making fruitful work in an otherwise laborious world. With its sharpened beak, the world is your nut.

The Corvus is crafted from 80CRV2 steel and 6061 aluminum handle slabs, and comes with a black kydex blade cover.

o 全长:.419m

o 刃长(edge):.124m

o Head Length:.197m

o 柄长(aluminum):.318m

o Grip Length(Leather):.165m)

o 刃厚:5.2mm

o 重量:.821kg

o 发布日期:June 2023

ZT(Zmbie Tls)僵尸工坊是一个由六名对末日僵尸理论、刃具、科学、艺术以及金属音乐的共同热爱而组成的刃具DIY作坊。 他们大概在2007开始制刃,当时,他们刚好为当地一酒吧制作以僵尸为主题的万圣节恐怖秀,创始人Maxn McCarter, Jey Arbur 和Chris Lmbardi就突发奇想,可以将年轻的新兴的“僵尸末世”故事和他们作为刃匠的愿望相结合来设计生产属于他们自己且独有的刃具。 当时,很多人觉得这个想法很愚蠢,但是时间证明了他们用最不可能的方法做实现了他们的梦想。 大概在2007后,我们的作坊在蒙大拿州米苏拉市就有10名全职制刃匠,当然现在远远不止于此,从阿拉斯加到阿拉巴马州,从特罗姆瑟到塔斯马尼亚,我们已经设计生产成千上万把刃具了。 我们的目标竭尽全力做最好的刃匠,我们希望我们的刃兼具结实、多功能和耐用等多重性能,希望他们成为最独特最美的那一道风景。 当然,价格也是尽可能的实惠。 为了达到这些平衡,我们将科技和传统方式相结合,用独有的方式去设计和生产。 我们不断改变和改进我们所做的,皆是为了我们的产品能更变得更好更出色,我们没有将我们的所提供的产品看做“产品线”或者是不断演变进化的限量版产物,他们只是我们对某物的热爱而衍生的产物,所以说如果你看到自己喜欢的,赶紧下手,因为有可能下个月就被替换了。